Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Often I attempt to bring over non-skateboarders into the world of skateboarding, and once they can coast along I try to teach them some basic skateboard tricks. Incase you're a newbie viewing my blog I'm going to help you out by explaining in detail three basic skateboard tricks. These tricks will include the manual, ollie, and drop-in. Remember though before you start trying these tricks you should be able to coast on the board with confidance.


This basic skateboard trick is necessary for turning, and for riding the bowl and ramps. In essence you are attempting to turn while on your two back wheels. You can attempt this while stalled as well as while coasting.

One foot should be on the very tip of the tail and the other foot should be in the center of the board.

Pressure is applied to the tail and released from the center inorder to balance on the two back wheels. Getting this part down is important.

Then to turn use twist your upper body in a quick jerking motion while keeping your core muscles tight so to not leave your legs behind. Using the motion from your upper body is more effective than using the motion of your legs because your legs have less weight to them and you're more likely to leave behind your upper body throwing off your balance.

You'll likely start out making tiny turns but as you get better you should be able to 180 to come back down a ramp and even 360 just to look neat.


The ollie is a basic skateboard trick on which many other tricks are based. Once you can do the ollie you can move on to the kickflip, shove-it and so on. The ollie is basicaly three motions preformed in unison, these are push, slide and jump.

One foot should be on the very tip of the tail and the other foot should be in the center of the board.

The three motions are preformed basically simultaniously although it helps to think of it in order to begin with, later you will think of it as one motion.

First push, push down on the tail so as to snap up the nose into the air.

Second jump, jump up so as allow the tail to follow it's course upwards and to lift your weight off the ground.

Third slide, slide your centre foot to the nose as you jump so that your board levels our. By sliding your foot over the front end it will stop it from rising higher which causes the tail end to rise.

Of course it's important to remember to land on the board, one piece of advice for that is don't land on your heels, always land on your toes. Also don't lock your knees when you land.


Place your tail at the edge of the bowl, stand on your back foot on the tail and your front foot near the front but not on the curve of the nose.

Keep both feet in parallel to the edge of the bowl, perpindicular to your board.

Then (here's the fun part) lean forward, and keep leaning forward until your wheels are on the wall, or else you'll fall backwards... but don't lean forward too long or you'll fall forward.

Once you're on the wall don't forget to adjust as you transfer from straight down to flat. If you know how you can pump as you hit the bottom for more speed.

All three of these basic skateboard tricks can be built apon to become a superior skateboarder. Good luck and wear a helmet! (Especially for droping-in)

For more tricks click here.

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